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(3 to 4 minute read, not including slide deck & detailed report)

In one of my social media classes, our semester-long assignment was to create a mock social media campaign for an existing brand.

Our team chose the British-founded buy-and-sell app Depop, as we felt that there was an opportunity to expand in the Canadian market (via a younger demographic in larger metropolitan areas such as: Toronto, Montreal and Vancouver), even though they have already been in Canada for a while.

In terms of deliverables, I was primarily responsible for video content (shooting and editing), as well as overseeing the research and content strategy that went behind our campaign, which included KPI Objective Metrics, Situational Analysis and SMART goals. 

Project Overview & Approach

After conducting a situational analysis and looking at the key demographics for Depop internationally, we decided that our approach would be to target individuals between the ages of 16 - 30, due to:


  • The amount of disposable income they have (many items sold on Depop are very affordable)

  • Increased interest in starting a business/side venture (you have the option to be a buyer, seller, or both on the app)

  • Desire to develop their own personality through their own style, and

  • Overall activity and interest in social media

Rather than try to change the look and feel of the content, we created content that stayed true to Depop's current aesthetic, while tailoring it to match the Canadian market, as we felt its current "unconventional" approach helped them to stand out.


We chose #MyDepop as the name of our campaign because we recognized that the reasons for using Depop would be different for each user. This was what makes this app unique and appealing, while developing a community of creatives, entrepreneurs and style-focused individuals.

Below is a compilation of my contributions to the project, including our final presentation, and content strategy report.

Long-Form Video

This was a 1 minute long video, specifically meant to highlight a fictional Toronto-based influencer, in an effort to target our key audience: young adults and young working professionals in major Canadian metropolitan cities.

Seller's Tips

Based on Depop's current series, we did a similar concept where a fictional popular Depop influencer shares her tips for breaking into the Depop market as a seller.

Users of the app can also be seller's, and a big component of our campaign revolved around community. What better way to form a community than by sharing help with others?

Short-Form Video

This is a shorter, more digestible version of the long-form video shown above. We wanted to have a "show, don't tell" piece, that allowed viewers to focus more on the lifestyle/influencer component of Depop. Showcasing distinguishable Toronto locations was our way of adding familiarity and relatability to anyone who would come across the piece.

Campaign Strategy

Below is the slide deck our team created for our final presentation. It includes: 


  • Background research on Depop/ Situational Analysis

  • Examples of potential Paid, Shared, Earned and Owned Content

  • Proposed social campaign & content strategy, complete with: 
     - Complete with sample blog posts, video/graphic content, and user personas, in addition to other components
     - Objectives, Strategies and Tactics 

Alternatively, you can view the more detailed report by clicking the PDF icon, if you would like more insight on our team's process and overall content strategy.


Of course, this was not an individual effort. Assembling this campaign would not be possible without the effort of our entire team, who worked incredibly hard all semester to put this project together and create work we can stand behind.


I learned a lot from working alongside all of them, and their patience, enthusiasm and willingness to think outside of traditional layouts and content made this project a truly unique experience and final product.

To see other social campaigns I've worked on, you can check out the work I've done for the Caledon Business Innovation Zone or Madhappy.

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